Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (internal medicine and oncology)
Diplomate American College of Veterinary Nutrition
Professor of Medicine
U.C. Davis
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Senior Medical Consultant
Nestle Purina Petcare
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Professor of Medicine
Colorado State University
Dr. Stan Marks is also board certified in nutrition and oncology and so is exceptionally qualified for this course. Dr. Deb Greco is an endocrinologist that has spent years studying diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats and pioneered many studies on managing Type II diabetic cats.. Deb currently works for Nestle Purina and has a great perspective on nutritional management of many other medical conditions. Dr. Mike Lappin has been working with infectious causes of gastrointestinal disease and urinary tract diseases in cats his whole career. He has completed many studies associated with diarrhea, in particular, those where probiotics were used. Deb, Stan, and Mike have collaborated on many research projects together and have lectured together all over the world and IVS believes you will love their interactive skills while providing you valuable information to use in your practices.
Single day registration available: Limited to 80 registrants each day to enhance the webinar question and answer experience All times are Eastern time. Seminars start each day at 8.00am Pacific, 9.00am Mtn, 10.00am Central & 11.00am Eastern Friday March 5 (5.5 CE hrs) 8:00am – 1:30pm Pacific 11:00am – 4:30pm Eastern Dr. Lappin: Dietary management of lower urinary tract disease in dogs and cats. Dietary management of CKD in dogs and cats. Dr. Greco: Dry as a bone; management of chronic dehydration in cats Dietary management of diabetes and hyperthyroidism Dr. Marks: Dietary management of gastrointestinal disorders What’s the latest on the dietary management of canine and feline pancreatitis?
Saturday March 6 (5.5 CE hrs) 8:00am – 1:30pm Pacific 11:00am – 4:30pm Eastern Dr. Greco: Down on the fat farm and Taking the itch out of food allergy Dr. Lappin: Evidence for clinical benefits and immune modulation by probiotics. Dr. Marks: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation – the ideal probiotic for the management of GI disease? ABCs of selecting, placing, and maintaining enteral feeding devices
Sunday March 7 (5.0 CE hrs) 8:00am – 1:00pm Pacific 11:00am – 4:00pm Eastern Dr. Marks: Dietary management of hepatic disease The good, the bad, and the ugly on feeding raw food diets to dogs and cats Dr. Lappin Dietary considerations in the management of giardiasis and parvoviral infections. Lessening feline associated allergies in people via nutrition Dr. Greco Grain free/ancestral diets, Nutrition for neurology/behavior
Dietary management of lower urinary tract disease in dogs and cats.
Dietary management of CKD in dogs and cats.
Evidence for immune modulation by probiotics.
Dietary considerations in the management of giardiasis and parvoviral infections.
Dietary management of hepatic disease
Dietary management of gastrointestinal disorders
What’s the latest on the dietary management of canine and feline pancreatitis?
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation – the ideal probiotic for the management of GI disease?
ABCs of selecting, placing, and maintaining enteral feeding devices
The good, the bad, and the ugly on feeding raw food diets to dogs and cats
Dietary management of endocrine disorders: Diabetes and hyperthyroidism
Down on the “fat”farm: Management of obesity in dogs and cats
Taking the itch out of food allergy: Choosing a hypoallergenic diet
Grain free/ancestral diets…Not as bland as you thought
Food for thought:Dietary management of neurologic disorders
This seminar is approved for up to 16 CE hrs.
This program has been approved for a maximum of 16 hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions, which recognize AAVSB’s RACE approval; however, participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and /or restrictions on certain methods of delivery of continuing education. Call IVS at 800-487-5650 for further information.