Practical Emergency Surgery Techniques I - IV Seminars

Practical Emergency Surgery Techniques I


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This is the first video in a series of three that focus’s on emergency surgery procedures that veterinarians frequently see in their practice. When cases are urgent it is good to have ‘a plan’ so you can reduce your anxiety during the procedure. I have many tips to make your surgery more efficient without putting your patient at risk

This 20 video procedures combination includes abdominal exploratory, splenectomy, esophageal perforation, GDV – preop & intraop, belt loop gastropexy, incisional gastropexy, GDV – postop, enterotomy: basic technique, enterotomy: clinical cases, intestinal anastomosis, gunshot wound, bite wound in acat, bite wound in a dog, evisceration, duodenal intussusception, plication for intussusception, mesenteric volvulus, ruptured GB mucocele, ruptured bile duct, and colopexy for the treatment of rectal prolapse.

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